HFM – Gold Mission Indonesia & Vietnam
HFMPromotion name: Gold MissionNote:
This promotion is available to new and existing clients from:
• Vietnam
• Indonesia.How to join:
1. Open a verified HFM account, or...
HFM – Luck From the God of Wealth
HFMPromotion name: Luck From the God of WealthNote: This promotion is available to new and existing clients from Vietnam.How to join:
1. Open a...
Headway – Snake It Up Contest
HeadwayContest name: Snake It Up Demo ContestHow to participate:
1. Join the competition at any time from January 29 to February 19.
2. Use...
Ventezo – Copy Trading Competition
VentezoContest name: Copy Trading Profitability CompetitionPrizes:
• Equity from $500
1. 2,000 USD
• Equity from $250
1. 1,000 USD
• Equity from $100
Tattvam – Online Trading Challenge
TattvamContest name: Strike Gold with Online Trading ChallengePrizes:
1st Apple MacBook
2nd Apple iPhone
3rd Apple iPad
4th Apple Watch
5th Apple AirPodsGoal: Gain...
IUX Markets – $30 Welcome Bonus
IUX MarketsPromotion name: 30$ Welcome BonusBonus amount: $30How to get:
1. Register and verify your email to access your Client Portal.
2. Complete a quick 1-minute...
zForex – New Year Demo Contest
zForexContest name: New Year Demo ContestHow to join:
Sign up for a "Contest Demo" account on zForex if you haven’t already.Prizes:
1st Place: $1000
MOT Forex – $75 Welcome Bonus
MOT Forex (MOTFX)Promotion name: $75 Welcome BonusBonus amount: 75 USDHow to get:
1. Register as a user.
2. Successfully verify your personal information.
3. Open a “Welcome...
MTrading – $100 Welcome Bonus
MTradingPromotion name: 100 USD Welcome BonusBonus amount: 100 USDNote: The Welcome Bonus is available in Malaysia and India only.How to get:
1. Sign...
FXCL – End Year Grand Contest
FXCLContest name: End Year Grand ContestHow to join and win:
1. Open a Contest account with an initial $2,025 virtual deposit.
2. Complete 0.1 lots daily.