Promotion name:Non Deposit Forex – Trading Without Investments
Bonus amount:$100
How to get:
1. Upon registration you receive Login via e-mail
2. Download Rate Streamer password and login
3. Already 100$ on the account
4. Start trading and in 3 days or when you double the account take 100$ back
5. When you have profit- you are welcome to realize it
Withdrawal requirements:
1. Deposit you account with the real money
2. You are welcome to do it any time
3. The minimum deposit is $100
4. Complete the minimum trading volume of 3 lots.
Information about the broker:
Larson&Holz is a broker operated by the Larson and Holz IT Ltd, a company founded in 2004 registered in the Republic of Vanuatu.
Promotion valid: The promotion is over.
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